Monday, September 26, 2011

The Night The Bottle Let Me Down

Hello and Welcome back"

Where the hell have I been is probably what you are all asking. To which I will say LET ME EXPLAIN !!!! My life has taken a brand new turn, a turn in the right direction I may add. So sit back, grab your favorite beverage of choice and join me on an epic adventure of The Night The Bottle Let Me Down

 Picture it , the love shack late August 2011. A crazy redheaded unemployed vet tech with not a cent in her pocket but lots of love in her heart takes a leap of faith. Welcome five adorable orphaned foster kittens at the ripe old age of 2 weeks. Gone are the days of my wild and crazy alcohol infused life, gone also are the days of sitting on my arse watching soap operas. Instead my life became brand new, a sense of purpose, a full time job. I may not get paid money to raise these adorable babies but I get rewarded with milestones, cuddles and the sound of purring that if you close your eyes you would almost swear you were on an african safari and were surrounded by a pride of lions. Of course once you open your eyes you sadly discover you are just in our living room amid chaos, kitten poop and most of all LOVE.

 The babies are now rambunctious 5 1/2 week old kittens, no longer needing bottle feedings every 3 hours, no longer needing maverick the wonder dog to perform operation hiney wipes and sadly for me,,, no longer needing me ,,,, as much. They now eat moist food and can use the litter box and keep me in stitches everyday with their actions. I knew I was smitten for the kittens, when on my 35th birthday I was far more concerned with bottle feeding babies and the thoughts of bottle feeding myself with a healthy dose of fireball never crossed my mind. Two weeks after my birthday I decided that since they slept through the night I could treat myself to a taste of that cinnamon goodness. Once a pro always a pro, or so I thought. Three shots in and I was LOADED !!!! Long gone are the days where I could drink a bottle and still have room for more. I gave it a valiant effort but by 10pm not only was I drunk as a skunk I was also falling asleep. A part of me died that night, where the hell did the party animal go. I went to bed feeling like a rock star and woke up feeling like road kill. The only sense of party animal I have in me now is doing the "potty dance" when the kittens use the litter box. 

 Fireball sales have dramatically dropped in Fredericton, but in all honesty I dont miss it,,, much. One of these days I will get a little hitch in my giddy up , throw caution to the wind and open that bottle of cinnamon goodness with my teeth, the way I used to, back in the good old days when I indeed was a rock star. Just to give you an example of what I looked like before and after becoming a foster mom I thought I would include a few pics, I will let you all be the judge on my rock star status.  This is me ,, the former Fireball Queen
 Here you have the former fireball queen newly reformed into foster mom grand champion.

Sure I look tired, my attire has gone from taking time to find that perfect outfit to wearing pajamas because I never go far and they are comfy and I dont care if they get anything from food to crap on them.Moist cat food now graces my hands and sadly for me my mouth more then fireball has and you know what? I'm happy doing what I do. Seeing those kittens transform from innocent defenseless oprhans blossom into wild eyed adventure seeking 5 1/2 week old kittens is better then any trip I have ever taken with fireball. 

 Not to fear, that crazy, wild always ready for a few shots girl is still here, shes just busy doing more important things for the time being. And I am sure that when the day comes when my little ones are old enough to leave Angels Gather Here, to find their forever home, a Bottle or two of fireball will be needed. After all its not everyday you have to say goodbye to little ones you have cared for , fallen in love with and put all your needs and desires on the back burner for. So yes my friends when that day comes, I will have empty arms, a piece of my heart taken from me and memories that will I will cherish for the rest of my life. Fireball will always be there waiting for that wild and crazy redhead to make her return and the good people at the liquor store will all rejoice in knowing the girl with the taste for fireball is still around. These kittens have made my life feel complete and make me say "I'm so happy I could shit rainbows and fart fairydust. I hope you all can have something in your life give you that same happiness so that you may all be able to say, that you to are so happy you could shit rainbows and fart fairydust.