Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday morning Madness

Hello and welcome back !

I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to start another week.  Today my day started out great, whats not to love when you are able to awaken to not the dog doing his I have to pee happy dance, but to the good morning kisses of the love of your life, your happiness and joy, your laughter and best friend, your everything ! I am one lucky woman to have such a terrific man in my life.  Then the alarm goes off just as I get all nestled in for snuggles, damnit all to hell, where did the time go? a minute ago it was only 6:29am and now it according to the blaring of the alarm is 6:45am.  Time to rally the troops, I slip out of my nice warm cozy bed , place my lovely toasty warm toes onto cold tile flooring, and thinking hells teeth the arctic cant be this cold.  I then haul on my penguin jammies, and my slippers who which by the way I am not impressed with, a week old and I already blew the whole side out of one, but I digress, will save a walmart rant for another blog entry.

 In I go to awaken the boys, from Luke I get, k mom Im awake, from Isaac I get what Im still not sure if it was a grunt , groan or quite possibly last nights supper honking hello. Whichever the case he is awake but wants to lay in bed until 7am. Down I come , release the hound, trip over the cat who by now is sitting by his cans of canned cat food, and giving me the look of hayyyyyyy sweet thang hows about you give a starving cat some chow.  I pet that cat the other night and he has non existant ribs , but he thinks he is starving.  Cat fed, hound back in and fed, ahh I say time to make the lunches.  Turn around and get the absolute shit scared out of me !  I keep saying I am going to buy a cow bell for Trevor, he walks so softly you can never hear him, and I am the nervous type on a good day, let alone one without coffee in my system yet.  I said what the hell are you doing awake you said you werent setting an alarm, ( this is before I knew I got to keep him an extra night and I do anything and everything to prolong his departure, its a long week without him home) he says I didnt set an alarm , you did. Smart ass even first thing in the morning he has all the answers.  Back to the bottom of the stairs I go to let out a war whoop that Isaac's feet best be hitting that cold floor within minutes or I was coming up there. KA THUD ahhh I conquer again, not only can I wrestle escape turds from a blocked sewer pipe , but I can also put the fear of MOM into a kid who never wants to get out of bed.  By this time lunches are made, and for once so is my coffee, time to have a smoke and relax . I tell myself all the time , self you really need to relax a little and take time to smell the roses, sadly self never listens much.  It is by now 7:25am, Luke is ready to bolt out the door to go to school and there sits Isaac wearing PAJAMAS and not just any pair either , oh no my friends he is wearing a pair that are so old Im almost certain they swaddled baby jesus in them, they have a huge hole in the knee and he feels that is fine and dandy to wear to school. Thankfully Trevor noticed what he was wearing, I was just about ready to take that first sip of my coffee, it was less then a millimeter away from my lips but oh no, I had to go help the kid find pants.  He has tons of clothes but is very picky on what he will wear, he found jeans but couldnt find his belt, I said fine wear mine, its a simple brown belt its not all chicked out.  Nope that wouldnt do, by this time I am at my wits end, my coffee is growing cold and the smoke I lit 5 minutes ago is now out, didnt even get to take one drag.  Trevor says go find something and hurry up, he came back down and to be quite honest with you I have no idea what he wore to school. but I can tell you this , it was not those holy pajamas lol.  by 7:30 am the kids are both out the door, my coffee by now has touched my lips, slid down my throat and kicked started my heart, life is looking great.  Trevor went up to have a shower and as I said before at this point I didnt know I got to keep him for another night, I thought he had to go see clients here in the city so he said he would talk to me later, I said see you later right he said oh yeah ill be back after to get my bag.  Im at this point teary eyed , knowing that even if he does get back before I leave for class I wont have long with him, life sucks !!!  Up I go for my shower, I am one pissed off redhead, I slam shampoo on my head, I rinse, not good enough I say so I repeat the process.  Im still angry so I take revenge on the hair that dare have the balls to magically reappear on my legs. Shower finished, hair blown dry, time to get dressed. I am in the process of getting dressed when the phone rings, it was Trev , I ask if he is going to be home soon, he said hell no Im on my way to Woodstock, thats almost an hour away from Fredericton !!!! oh sweet jesus, my blood pressure is sky rocketing, stay calm I can do this.  To which I reply, will you be back home before I leave for class, NO is the answer I get, no is not the answer I wanted.  The dog must have sensed that I was getting ready to blow, because he turned tail and ran, the cat ,tucked and rolled, needless to say it was a very tense few minutes. That is until he said these magic words, Im coming back home for the night hunnybun LORD DYIN JESUS my heart melted, I smiled and the animals felt it was safe to enter back into what was enemy territory. Life is great my friends life is great.  I even managed to get the christmas tree taken down finally, I swept, vaccumed , scrubbed, and the whole while had a huge smile, because I know when I get back home from a long day of boring lectures , my life , my happiness, my best friend, my laughter, my everything will be home waiting for me.  I my friends am so happy I could shit rainbows and fart fairy dust, and I truly hope you all have such a great day , you to can proudly exclaim "I'm so happy I could shit rainbows, and fart fairy dust"

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